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Bottari, Rosaria

Dr. Rosaria Bottari received her doctorate, in the field of Italian Studies, at the Dipartimento di Studi Tardoantichi, Medievali e Umanistici of the University of Messina.Dr. Bottari is currently Assistant Examiner / Assessor for the Italian Philology Courses at the Messina Centre of the e-Campus University.
This book, in which she explores the linguistic debates of the Italian Renaissance, with particular focus upon the disputes of the Latin vs the Vernacular in the sixteenth century, stems in part from a presentation she was invited to give to the Renaissance Society of America at their Annual meeting in 2012.

Latin Versus Vernacular and Other Linguistic Disputes During the Italian Renaissance. A Study of the Fifteenth-Century Debates
2015 1-4955-0364-X
Manuscript is centred upon the Renaissance linguistic disputes and in particular, upon Latin vs. the Vernacular. This work, enlarging upon a subject not yet much explored, is extremely symptomatic and revealing of the intricate nexus of cultural, linguistic, philosophical and rhetorical issues, which characterize the linguistic ‘question’ of the second half of the sixteenth century.