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Faraone, Rosella

Prof. Rosella Faraone received her Ph.D. in Philosophical Methodologies from Messina University. She is Associate Professor of History of Philosophy at the Department of Civilta Antiche e Moderne, Messina University.

Giovanni Gentile, The Philosopher of Fascism- Cultural Leadership in Fascist and Anti-Semitic Italy
2017 1-4955-0583-9
An examination and determination of Giovanni Gentile's role - also concerning racism in Italy - would not be complete without considering whatever is attributable to his person but also whatever was involved in the wide cultural activities he was responsible for. Much attention has rightly been paid to Gentile as a philosopher, politician, ideologist and organizer of culture. These activities are an integral part of Gentile's historical, cultural and human profile but also essential to understand and evaluate his individual dimension.