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Heinz, Sabine

AusgewÄhlte Probleme Der Literarischen Übersetzung Dargestellt Anhand Der Übersetzung Mittelwalisischer Texte Ins Deutsche
1994 0-7734-9032-9
This volume discusses problems of literary translations which occurred while translating two medieval Welsh hero tales into German. It gives methodological proposals to translate historical texts, and answers problems which arise from differences between the Welsh and German languages. There is a translation-oriented text-analysis based on translational, sociocultural, literary and textlinguistical considerations, which shows clearly which decisions concerning equivalence should be given preference and what causes the translation problems. Finally, corresponding answers and translation suggestions are discussed. In German.

Eia Popeia/walisisch-Deutsches Glossar
1994 0-7734-9036-1
This novel is a direct translation into German of the Welsh book Si Hei Lwli, written by the prize winner of the prose medal in the annual Welsh Eisteddfod. The novel presents two different women taking a trip, examining their different attitudes, presenting everyday life from the beginning of this century to the present, seen through women's eyes. It also examines the problems of the Welsh minority in Great Britain. The volume includes a Welsh-German glossary. In German.