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Heller, Sarah-Grace

Essays on the Poetic and Legal Writings of Philippe De Remy and His Son Philippe De Beaumanoir of Thirteenth-Century France
2001 0-7734-7383-1
Philippe de Remy, Sire de Beaumanoir, produced two romances, a fabliau, lyric poems and even nonsense verse. He also served as bailli or royal governor of the Gatinais region. His son, Philippe de Beaumanoir, produced the Coutumes de Beauvaisis, one of the most widely admired works on medieval customary law, and served as bailli of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, Vermandois, Touraine and Senlis. This collection of essays looks at their works, lives, and world from difference perspectives, probing the insights they offer on medieval marriage and gender relations, time and space, hagiography; intertextuality, literature and the law. This is the first volume devoted to them as father and son, and the first such collection to address their works critically in English.