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Nagatomo, Shigenori

Dr. Shigenori Nagatomo is Professor of Comparative Philosophy and East Asian Buddhism at Temple University. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Hawai’i. Dr. Nagatomo’s research has focused on the mind-body problem, incorporating in his methodological stance the Eastern meditation tradition, depth-psychology, and ki-energy. He is the author of Philosophical Foundation of Miki Kiyoshi’s Concept of Humanism (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995).

Diamondsutra's Logic of Not and a Critique of Katz’s Contextualism
2006 0-7734-5807-7
The “logic of not” proposes a holistic way of understanding things, which is contrasted with Aristotelean either-or logic, while “A Critique of Katz’s Contextualism” examines Katz’s contextualist’s position from the point of view of the logic of not. The “logic of not” is a careful philosophical examination of the Diamondsutra's, a Mayahana Buddhist sutra, which has influenced the formation of Zen Buddhism, while “A Critique of Katz’s Contextualism” critically investigates various philosophical issues Steven Katz mounts in order to build his contextualist’s position.

Philosophical Foundation of Miki Kiyoshi's Concept of Humanism
1995 0-7734-9145-7
This monograph traces an historical, Western influence on Miki's formation of humanism, and then moves to clarify his idea of life as formative. It analyzes his concept of self-awareness as a way of overcoming the standpoint of ego-consciousness. Miki was a student of Nishida Kitaro, and a student of Martin Heidegger in his youth. Other Western philosophers most influential on Miki were Aristotle, Pascal, Marx, and Nietzsche.