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Bayó Belenguer, Susana

About the author: Susana Bayó Belenguer is a Lecturer in Spanish at Dublin University, Trinity College. Her major research interests are 20th century Spanish fiction, culture, and history, with a particular focus to date on Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Carmen Martin Gaite.

Theory, Genre, and Memory in the Carvalho Series of Manuel VÁzquez MontalbÁn
2001 0-7734-7404-8
Manuel Vázquez Montalbán is one of Spain’s more prolific, prominent, and controversial contemporary writers. His articles, poems, short stories, and novels have been acclaimed for their insightful view of a society which is recognized as a model for the transformation of opposing ideologies into a working relationship. His best know collection is the Carvalho series, stories about a private detective whose wit and irony reveal a state of affairs that many might wish hidden. Barcelona is an ideal setting for that conflict of the classes, political ideals which is at the heart of the author’s chronicle of the post-Civil War years and the Transition.