Jett, Terri
About the author: Dr. Terri Jett is an Assistant Professor at Butler University in Indianapolis, IN. She has a BA in Ethnic Studies with an option in African American Studies and a Masters in Public Administration with a specialty in Public Policy and Program Evaluation from California State University, Hayward. Dr. Jett received her PhD in Public Policy and Public Administration from Auburn University in Alabama.
2004 0-7734-6480-8Provides insight regarding the manner in which African American county officials, most distinctly in rural communities that have predominant black population, set their political agenda and make decisions. It is unique in that the author, because of her work in the community and extensive fact-to-face interviews conducted, is able to present the voice of the African American county officials. Additionally, the study examines the traditional models of black political thought that have informed the agendas of most African American leaders in this country. It brings to light the extreme barriers that the officials are up against to improve the lives of blacks in the rural southern community.