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Plantinga, Theodore

Historical Understanding in the Thought of Wilhelm Dilthey
1992 0-7734-9240-2
This study sketches the historical framework (the development of Dilthey's thought) and the systematic framework (his views on other, related topics) that together shed a revealing light on a number of statements from various writings.

How Memory Shapes Narratives. A Philosophical Essay on Redeeming the Past
1992 0-7734-9575-4
This is an original exploration of how the narratives people construct as they go about everyday living are shaped by certain limitations and regular patterns at work in individual memory. The book draws on themes in Walter Ong's analysis of memory and orality. It also explores the relations between memory aids/supports and memory itself. The recognition of records as playing a role in memory adds a collective dimension and raises questions about the nature of historical truth. The ethical theme is based on the thesis that the past can be redeemed or changed not just on the level of narrative but also on the level of additional actions that can be related to prior actions in such a way as to justify a new narration of the events taken together.

Public Knowledge and Christian Education
1988 0-88946-477-4
Discusses the results of "importing" and then attempting to "christianize" the content of secular education in its available form of discourse ("public knowledge"), especially with regard to the sciences. Addresses the need for Christian educators to be conscious of the sources of the content of their curricula.