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Boucquey, Thierry

About the author: Born and raised in Antwerp, Belgium, Thierry Boucquey graduated from the University of Louvain with a degree in romance Philology. He pursued received his PhD in French from the University of California, Irvine. He is currently the Chair of the French Department at Scripps College in Claremont, California. He has also published Mirages de la farce (1991) and articles in professional journals.

Six Medieval French Farces Translated, with an Introduction and Commentary
1999 0-7734-8038-2
This volume offers English translations of six French farces dating from the beinning to the mid-16th century. Each play portrays particular features of French farce. The author has clearly illustrated these informative aspects, allowing the reader to appreciate the finer distinctions between works within the genre. The Introduction provides a clear profile of the corpus of plays as well as a brief but enlightening history of farce itself. Each chapter/play includes its own introduction and set of notes, providing historical, cultural, and staging information.