Weaver, Wesley J. III
About the author: Dr. Wesley J. Weaver, III, received his PhD in Spanish from the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently Associate Professor in the Department of International Communications and Culture at the State University of New York College at Cortland.
2003 0-7734-6989-3This is the first monograph on the work of Álvaro Pombo, one of the five most important novelists writing in Spain today. He explores themes such as death, homosexuality, religion, gender, adolescence, and writing in his novels. Through a careful analysis of the diverse literary and philosophical undercurrents that inform Pombo’s narrative, this study analyzes in detail the novels within novels that chronicle the fascinating encounter of the I and the other. In Spanish.
2019 1-4955-0766-1Dr. Wesley Weaver considers the literary legacy of Spanish author, Alvaro Pombo. The text is written in Spanish.