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Frost, William P.

Following Joseph Campbell's Lead in Search of Jesus' Father
1991 0-88946-249-6
Searches for "ultimate meaning: the basic religious dimension, that transcendent quality by which existence, happiness, and human suffering, hopes and expectations, heroic sacrifice and the affirmation of life, love and death receive some perspective".

Frontiers in Brain and Dream Research
1992 0-88946-229-1
New developments in brain research, including discussions of: neural Darwinism and theories reflecting the work of Gerald M. Edelman and Israel Rosenfield (Part One); left-right brain literature, focusing on the article "Religious Experience, Archetypes, and the Neurophysiology of Emotions" by neurologist James P. Henri (Part Two); and a review of J. Allen Hobson's The Dreaming Machine, which proposes "activation synthesis" as a new theory of dream interpretation.

What is the New Age? Defining Third Millennium Consciousness
1992 0-7734-9192-9
This study offers a wealth of information about the claims and beliefs of the New Age as well as an immense background in the physical, biological, neurophysiological, cultural anthropological, psychological, and quantum theoretical facts which are part of the learned discussions of this form of holistic spirituality. A substantial selection of foundational aspects, e.g. the relation between science and religion, the scientific approach to the holistic spirituality.