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A Study of the Works of Manuel Mantero: A Member of the Spanish Generation of 1950

This book is the first to study in English the poetry of Manuel Mantero, a member of the Spanish Generation of 1950, and winner of major prizes for his poetry while living in Spain, in self-exile in the United States since 1969. In order to make Mantero's poetry accessible to the English-speaker, all foreign quotes, including Mantero's poetry when cited, have been translated. The volume includes a discussion of his novels and critical works in addition to his poetry.


"The 1936-39 Spanish Civil War truncated normal literary development in Spain, and the rigid clericalism, rabid nationalism, and sexual phobias of the ensuing Francoist dictatorship made regeneration difficult. Until Andrew Debicki's Poetry of Discovery: The Spanish Generation of 1956-71 (1982), critics paid scant attention to the arduous task of writing in "the dark years." Happily, scholars are making amends and Barnette continues his mentor Debicki's line, dedicating thoughtful commentary to the work of Manuel Mantero in this welcome introduction to one of the most innovative poets of that generation. Mantero's Andalusian background, formative years in Madrid, and self-imposed exile in the US since 1969 inform his existential poetry, and his striking musicality, original treatment of love, mordant sense of humor, and metapoetic insights on the creative will offer readers much to ponder and enjoy. Barnette's chronological analysis and useful English translations provide a clear exposition for both general audiences and undergraduates curious about the genesis and direction of contemporary Spanish poetics. This volume whets the appetite for further, more detailed studies." - CHOICE

". . . welcome introduction to one of the most innovative poets of that generation. . . . Mantero's Andalusian background, formative years in Madrid, and self-imposed exile in the US since 1969 inform his existential poetry, and his striking musicality, original treatment of love, mordant sense of humor, and metapoetic insights on the creative will offer readers much to ponder and enjoy. Barnette's chronological analysis and useful English translations provide a clear exposition for both general audience and undergraduates curious about the genesis and direction of contemporary Spanish poetics." - Choice

"Professor Barnette successfully gives a global vision of Mantero's poetic, fictional and scholarly work. . . . Professor Barnette has clearly demonstrated a commendable effort to present a valuable and very useful study of Manuel Mantero's work for the general reader as well as for the literary specialist." - Francisco J. PeƱas-Bermejo

"Expertly written, Barnette's book succeeds in tracing the trajectory of Mantero's poetic development, offering clear critical insights into his poetic world. Complemented with a detailed bibliography and an index, this book provides the reader/scholar a much needed study of an important contemporary Spanish poet/critic, a poet/critic of two worlds, or as Barnette puts it, a .,lkoi98poet/critic "not tied to any regional poetics," but universal in his themes, aims and vision." - Vicente Cano