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Allegorical Story of the Restoration of African Democracy: The Strong Versus the Weak

This work details in allegorical form the shocking story of the results of Europe's entry into the African Continent and creation of the momentum which broke down a complete society that existed in harmony. Areas collapsed after independence, as no arrangements were made by the European peoples to help the newly freed nations. Violence escalated as the military took strong hold of the new governments. Military coups begat civil coups, disrupting any positive changes that had occurred. After each coup d'état, hopes for democracy faded further. This illustrative narrative contains such chapters as 'The Strong Men of the Sahara', 'Scramble for Africa', 'Culture in History', 'Political Correctness', 'Patriotic Rogues', 'Leader Among Wolves', 'Army Coup d'état Versus Civilian Coup d'état', and an Epilogue, Index, and illustrations.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: The Strong Men of the Sahara

Chapter 2: Scramble for Africa

Chapter 3: Culture in History

Chapter 4: Foreign Rule

Chapter 5: Time to Say Goodbye

Chapter 6: A Renewal for Hope

Chapter 7: Political Correctness

Chapter 8: Military Culture

Chapter 9: Patriotic Rogues

Chapter 10: Leader Among Wolves

Chapter 11: Army Coup d'etat versus Civilian Coup d'etat

Chapter 12: Epilogue
