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Zola Et Le Texte Naturaliste En Europe Et Aux Ameriques

This collection of essays seeks to raise a variety of questions: What is the relationship between Émile Zola’s naturalist project and traditional generic classifications? If the naturalist novel, as theorized in Le Roman expérimental (1880) was to break with earlier literary traditions in its emphasis on modern scientific methods and the depiction of contemporary society, were traditional genres and literary devices to disappear entirely? The contributors to this volume seek to answer these and other questions by identifying traces of earlier genres and subgenres and other discourses that interfere and interact with the mimetic intention of these works. The hypothetical nature of Zola’s theoretical basis allows for infinite variations and complexity in the texts created, which could be classified in a number of genres themselves, requiring interdisciplinary approaches to untangle their meanings.


“There are, no doubt, two contrasting fundamental operations involved in the practice of generic criticism. The first is predominantly a process of classification which treats individual texts as exemplars of subsuming categories held to be, if not universal or trans-historical, at least remarkably enduring ... By contrast, the second approach, fruitfully pursued in this volume, tends to be centred upon the individual work itself and problematizes its relationship with the general category or categories to which the classificatory impulse would, often imperiously, assign it … This problematic divergence between the general category and the individual text is, of course, a long-standing preoccupation of commentary and criticism on Zola and naturalism ... All in all, this stimulating volume attests to the evident vitality of Zola studies in the Americas ... as it draws upon, in a finely balanced combination, the fresh talents and perspectives of a new generation of Zola scholars and the fruits of the experience of a number of recognized and proven specialists in the field.” – (from the Foreword) David Baguley, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario

“... The present volume goes a long way to indicate what devoted zolistes have known for some time, namely, that Zola’s texts are suggestive, complicated, original and self-reflexive, adding as they do to our notions of genres such as epic and drama and traditions like the gothic novel and allegory ... By adding as it does, in a very original manner, to Zola and Naturalist studies, the present volume will interest and prove useful to scholars of late 19th-century French literature. But it will also be invaluable to researchers in world and comparative literature, in art and film studies.” – Professor Robert M. Viti, Gettysburg College

“ ... The aim of this volume is to examine what the editors call ‘contaminations’ and ‘influences’ of naturalism: by ‘contaminations’ the editors mean ‘residue left from genres that existed prior to naturalism [...] and others more recent.’ This includes intertextual, interdiscursive and generic interactions which manifest themselves formally and thematically in the work of Zola, and in other naturalist writers ... This volume is a valuable contribution to a number of fields and its scholarly quality could be characterized as being ‘very high’.” – Professor Donald Bruce, University of Guelph

Table of Contents

List of Plates
I. Contaminations génériques et sociales du naturalisme
1. Héroïsme sans gloire: l’épopée non épique de La Débâcle – Kristof Haavik
2. Tragédie, tragique, naturalisme: une intertextualité oubliée? – Mihaela Marin
3. Du gothique à l’hystérie, dans Le Rêve de Zola – Carolyn Snipes-Hoyt et Linda Toenniessen
4. Zola: la lutte contre l’ange. La légitimation intertextuelle du Rêve – Kelly Basilio
5. Les figures de voleurs/scripteurs dans “le roman des origines” – Marie-Sophie Armstrong
6. La paralysie de Madame Raquin. Zola était-il aussi neurologue? – Robert S. April
7. Zola et les appétits ambigus de Rome – Elizabeth Emery
8. Théâtralité et éthique du luxe dans Nana – Anna Gural-Migdal
II. Influences du naturalisme en Europe et aux Amériques
1. Zola, Frapié et le “devenir féminin” – Jurate Kaminskas
2. “Miss Harriet,” “Idylle” et “L’Aveu”: la structure interne de “Guy de Maupassant” d’Isaac Babel – Holly Haahr
3. Mutisme et hurlements: le langage ouvrier chez Zola et Hauptmann – Ruth Schürch-Halas
4. Influences de Zola sur les lithographies de Käthe Kollwitz et Ernst Ludwig Kirchner – Arturo Larcati
5. Les idéaux nationaux et la vérité des romancières naturalistes finlandaises – Riikka Rossi
6. L’écriture du féminin et les limites du naturalisme argentin – Juan Pablo Spicer-Escalante
7. Les origines du film américain sur la grève dans les mines de charbon – Robert Singer et Diane Smith
8. Le naturalisme et la jungle au Brésil – Ligia Vassallo