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An Urban Ecological Sociological of Religion: The Case of San Antonio, Texas

Dr. Anthony Blasi describes the sociology of religious life and situation of San Antonio, Texas. This is a regional study that focuses on the diverse beliefs and perspectives of one urban area of the United States, setting up possibilities of other studies on other regions which could be of great value to urban planners.


"This document challenges our vantage points and invites us all into conversation but not with general thoughts or statements. The challenging invitation comes with charts and maps, dates and name, places and peoples that we can point to, examine while inviting each other into the mutual challenge of becoming a better people living and working together as a faithful community."
Reverend Ann Helmke,
Faith-Based Liaison, City of San Antonio

Table of Contents

Foreword by Ann Helmke

List of Maps

List of Tables

List of Diagrams

Chapter 1: An Urban Ecological Sociology of Religion

Chapter 2: Urban Religious Districts

Chapter 3: Denominations

Chapter 4: No-Denominational Congregations

Chapter 5: Developing an Ecological Urban Sociology of Religion

Appendix: Descriptions of Denominations in Bexar County

