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Eunice Odio y Su Sensual Mundo Poetico

This book analyzes along thematic and stylistic lines, all the erotic poetry of the Costa Rican-Mexican avant-garde writer, Eunice Odio. To date, it is the only monographic study that specifically examines Odian erotic discourse through a confluence of closely imbricated parameters: Spanish American vanguard, feminine discourse and erotic literary theory. This book contains seven color photographs and six black and white photographs.


“Through a close reading of Odio’s particular attention to love — approached exclusively from the perspective of eroticism — Robb’s study clearly and convincingly demonstrates how the enunciative voice seizes the word through writing in order to ultimately break free from an ultramillenarian yoke of false modesty and thus vindicate the right to truly indulge human sensuality in all of its nuances. Throughout the study, Robb masterly forges links between the Odian concept of the erotic and similar themes from other literary works. By making the appropriate analogies whether they be theoretical or poetic, his book enhances the value of Odio’s poetry delineating its relationship with contemporary Latin American poetic discourse of its time, while putting forth in the process, a necessary and innovative contribution to the studies of Latin American vanguard.” – Prof. Hiram Aldarondo, Temple University

“. . . charts new directions since it is the only monograph today that studies the erotic theme in Odio’s poetry. Anthony Robb not only provides a magnificent contribution to Hispanic American women’s literature but also to the field of linguistics.” – Prof. Connie Palacios, Anderson University

“Through exhaustive research and a keen critical eye, Robb makes a convincing case for the worth and place of Eunice Odio, her erotic poetry, and Robb’s own contribution to our understanding of them, in the field of Latin American literary studies.” – Prof. Jerry Hoeg, Penn State University

Table of Contents

Dedicatoria y agradecimientos
Capítulo I: La obra odiana y los contextos históricos-literarios
Capítulo II: Ausencia: Anhelo y separación del amante
Capítulo III: Presencia y comunión
Capítulo IV: El ser sexual
Capítulo V: Erotización de la materia
Epílogo: Sobre la investigación actual de Eunice Odio
Índice de autores y materias citados