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Calvinist Trinitarianism and Theocentric Politicsessays Toward a Public Theology

Represents the first comprehensive introduction to an English-speaking audience of Arnold van Ruler's trinitarian theology and theocentric socio-political vision, Gestaltwerdung Christi der Welt, Theologie van het Apostulat. The introductory essay by the translator locates van Ruler's thought in the context of Calvinism in general and Dutch Calvinism in particular. Considers the relevance of van Ruler's theology for North American social ethics, including the current discussion about the need for public theology.


"John Bolt has rendered a real service by translating this well-chosen selection from the writings of the late Prof. A.A. Van Ruler of the Netherlands.These essays present many of the unique insights and accents of the Dutch professor. Bolt has added to the value of the book by presenting . . . . an exceedingly helpful introduction for those not acquainted with Van Ruler. . . . This book is highly recommended both for its overview of two hundred years of theology and for the steady stream of insights to be gleaned. . . . A hearty "thank you" is due both the translator and the publisher. . . " - Calvin Theological Journal
"The book is both refreshing and engrossing: refreshing because van Ruler is the product of a society which has had a long and involved history of church-state integration, giving him a perspective many of us lack. . . . Van Ruler's book is engrossing because he raises questions that separationists never seem to ask." - Journal of Church and State
"Together with the translator's very helpful introductory survey of the background and context of van Ruler's theocentric vision, these essays provide the first comprehensive English introduction to van Ruler's theology." - Westminster Theological Journal

"The key to the volume is in its appropriate subtitle. In accordance with its original character and development, van Ruler ably demonstrates that Calvinism remains one of the richest resources available for a viable public theology." - Studies in Religion