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Special Problems on Non-Compliance among Elderly Women of Color

This volume presents current knowledge about the use, misuse, and abuse of drugs by an often neglected and misunderstood segment of our population. The various systems involved in the problem are addressed in turn. Epidemological and methodological issues specific to this population are also considered.


"This short book is a valuable companion for those with interest in social pharmacology of geriatric medication misuse. Its multidisciplinary focus is non-institutionalized minority women, truly a neglected subject of investigation. . . . The strength of this book is its breadth. In addition, the overall perspective which this book offers is thought-provoking. . . . the true measure of this book, or any book for that matter, is whether it offers a valuable contribution to its topic. Dr. Barbara Kail's volume surely does. It substantially raises our racial and ethnic sensitivity as factors to consider in geriatric non-compliance with medications to promote health." –Dr. Brent Green Clinical Gerontologist