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Biblical Law Bibliography Sorted by Subjects and by Authors

The most extensive bibliography of its kind, compiled by a professor of law at Brigham Young University.


". . . multilanguage bibliography of books and articles on Biblical law in the Hebrew Bible, in the New Testament, and in comparison with other ancient law codes and practices. It is intended as a complement to the annual surveys of Biblical law published in the Jewish Law Annual and, generally speaking, does not duplicate the items covered in those surveys. . . . This is a useful tool." - Adris

"The entries reflect the growing importance of languages other than English, French, and German and include works in Dutch, Modern Hebrew, Italian, Polish, and Spanish. The use of bracketed numbers as a key to the various subjects will facilitate the user's awareness of which topic is under discussion in a given monograph or article. An enormous amount of work has gone into this volume. . . . Widely suitable for religion and legal libraries at college, universities, and seminaries." -- Religious Studies Review