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Book of Daniel. An Intertextual Biblical Commentary

The first commentary ever written of a First Testament document that points out the earlier intertexts if Prof. Buchanan’s thought-provoking exegesis of Daniel. Among the insights discovered is the realization that Daniel is not unified, but is a collection of individual dramas. Furthermore, Buchanan has demonstrated that Daniel was not initially a prophecy; it is not pacifistic; and probably should not be called apocalyptic.
The dramas of Daniel are probably some of those that Judas had scholars collect in preparation for Hanukkah (2 Macc 2:13-14). The canonizers did not classify these documents with the prophets, probably because they were not considered prophecies. They are not tracts for hard times, but dramas that are success stories for celebration, In these the heroes prosper and the enemies are destroyed.
The dramas of Daniel do not at all reflect a pessimistic people under persecution, biting their fingernails and hoping against all hope that they would some day be delivered. They dramatize, rather, a bitter struggle which was over, an end that had already taken place, and victory that was celebrated.
In addition to the intertexts, Dr. Buchanan has made his case by recognizing the unity of Daniel 7, observing the two variant passages in Daniel 11, and relating the texts appropriately to the history of Hasmonean times.


“The beginning of the Mellen Biblical Commentary on the intertextual exegesis of Jewish and Christian Bibles represents a momentous event in the history of exegesis. With Buchanan’s commentary on Daniel the method of intertextual biblical exegesis must be considered as a programmatic addition to the established methods of biblical exegesis. By fully identifying passages in the biblical books which represent adaptations from former books or texts, the method adds another solid entry to our study o the confluence of old and new in the ongoing new literary creations of the biblical authors. This commentary on Daniel follows scholarly organization. Presented are the texts in the biblical languages, information about technical details, the texts in English, the extensive commentary proper, and conclusions. Professor Buchanan, eminent for many publications about both testaments during the last generation, is not only the chief editor of the entire commentary series, but also the author of individual commentaries in each of the two testaments. His present commentary on the Book of Daniel represents the first of those on the First Testament. It is monumental, an example o9f thorough erudition and study, and sets very high standards for the expected following volumes.” – Prof. Rolf P. Knierim, Professor emeritus of Hebrew Bible, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University

“Professor Buchanan has produced a new and distinctive type of commentary on the Book of Daniel. He has paid close attention to the original languages. His en-depth knowledge of the history of the times involved is evident. His knowledge of rhetorical techniques and literary structure has been put to good use here. More than any previous commentator on Daniel, Buchanan has developed an extensive use of intertextual relations, connections between the phraseology of Daniel and other passages in the Hebrew Bible. These are placed in translation in parallel columns in their respective sections of the book It is surprising to see how many of these there are. To cite but one example, a fairly extensive use of I Kings 8 is made in Daniel 9. This is a worthy contribution to this new and interesting commentary series.” Dr. William H. Shea, the Biblical Research Institute