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Canonical Status of Catholic Health Care Facilities in the Province of New Brunswick in Light of Recent Provincial Government Legislation

In March, 1992, the provincial health minister announced an overhaul of the health care system in New Brunswick. This legislation threatened the Church’s integral mission of providing health care in the province. The Hospital Act of 1992 terminated the collaboration, cooperation and partnership between Government and Church. The take-over of the Catholic hospitals, the dissolution of the individual hospital boards, the establishment of seven regional hospital corporations, challenged and even denied the Church’s right to be involved in the health care delivery system. After nearly a year of negotiations, an agreement was reached whereby Catholic hospital facilities would continue to be owned by the religious institutes. While administration and control of these facilities would come under the authority of a regional hospital corporation, provisions were introduced to safeguard Catholic mission, values, philosophy and ethics in these hospitals.

Table of Contents

Table of contents (main headings):
Preface; Introduction
1. The Development of Health Care Facilities in the Catholic Church and in particular in the Province of new Brunswick
2. Towards a Determination of Canonical Status: The Juridical Person; Ecclesiastical Property and Canonical Status; Catholic Identity of a Catholic Health Care Facility
3. Civil Legislation and the Catholic Health Care Facility in New Brunswick: Background to Health Care Reform in NB; Hospital Act 1992; Subsequent Legislation and Agreement
4. Transformation and New Horizons in Catholic Health Care Apostolate; Evolving Models in Catholic Health Care
Appendices; Bibliography; Index