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Chasse, Hockey et Baseball Dans Le Roman Québécois. Le Chasseur Comme Fondement Identitaire

This work examines the interplay between cultural memory and fiction through the exploration of the notion of territory within the sport discourses and three Québécois novels ( L’Élan d’Amérique, by Angré Langevin (1972); Le Coeur de la baleine bleue, by Jacques Poulin ([1970] 1987); and Louis Caron’s L’emmitouflé ([1977] 1991).


“In this way, sports, popular practices for a long time avoided by learned Quebecois culture, become here demonstrations of ways of being and of thinking, and also opportunities to represent “hunting in the habitable and personal territory”, namely the quest for autonomy. Whether this territory is named forest, ice rink or diamond, it is always about a place covered with footprints, signs and tracks which one must know how to read, recognize and interpret . . . The practice of a sport, any sport, always constitutes a personal way of laying out the world, of appropriating it, and of being able to inhabit it. This is what Carlo Lavoie’s essay admirably reveals.” – Prof. Renald Bérubé, Université du Québec à Rimouski

“This study seeks through the hunting lens to unravel the mysteries, reactivate our primordial, cultural memories, and demystify the semiotic field behind these three sporting activities. The author literally forces the reader to reevaluate the space-time paradigm, our “body” and our place or role in the world as both an individual “player” and member of a “team.” One of the great benefits and particularities of this study is to have assembled a cast of distinguished thinkers in defense of the author’s thesis, such as Roland Barthes, Pierre Bourdieu, Michel de Certeau, Carl G. Jung and Paul Ricoeur, and to have (re)presented and made more readily accessible their ideas through well-chosen and easy to follow examples and conclusions.” – Prof. Jean-Luc Desalvo, San José State University

“Lavoie is able to convince the reader in elegant prose that the figure of the hunter found in contemporary Quebec literature can be understood as a readable signal from a discernable identity which poses the question as to whether or not autonomy can ever be won without the sanction of the Other. The hunt, Lavoie demonstrates, can be read as a cultural practice that becomes an indicator of a quest whose original territory may at some point seem to close off, but which always offers the promise of expansion to the wise hunter.” – Prof. Janet Kennedy, Université de Moncton

Table of Contents

Foreword by Renald Bérubé
Préface de Renald Bérubé
1. Athlète et chasseur
2. Le chasseur professionnel et le chasseur sportif
3. Du hockey au cœur de l’homme
4. Le sentier reliant mémoire et origines