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Case for New Paradigms in Cell Biology and in Neurobiology

Based on observations in living cells and the laws of solid geometry and thermodynamics, the structure of the living cell has been reexamined. The cytoskeleton, the endoplasmic reticulum, the nuclear pores, and the apparent trilaminar appearance of the cell membranes, have been shown to be artifacts of electron microscopy. The synapses and neuroglial cells have been reexamined, and the case has been made out for entirely new paradigms, with consideration of the reactions to this fundamental reappraisal.


"The text consists of 40 short chapters in which the author's views are set out carefully and clearly and the incompatibility between a certain number of electron microscope observations and other evidence is described. The difficulty encountered by the author in getting his 'heretical' views published is recapitulated and the refusal of various eminent colleagues to take them seriously or indeed even to discuss them other than dismissibly is recounted. . . there really does seem to be a case to answer . . . . the onus seems to fall on the traditionalists to prove that their traditions are well founded." - Ultramicroscopy