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Quaker Women Prophets in England and Wales 1650-1700

This study covers the formative and troubled years of earliest Quakerism in England and Wales, with some reference to emigration to America. Women were active to a remarkable degree in the sects of this time. This study concentrates on their contribution, including chapters on women’s modes of prophecying, preaching and witnessing, and patterns of change in the religious group, especially as these impinged on the freedoms of women.


“The contribution of women to the Quaker movement in Wales cries out for study and Christine Trevett’s thoughtful and thought-provoking volume throws considerable light on this neglected theme.” – Geraint H. Jenkins

“Christine Trevett’s meticulous research into the lives of early Quaker women in seventeenth century England and Wales uncovers a wealth of surprising details on women acting and speaking in public about spiritual, religious, social and political matters. . . . Here we learn about Quaker women’s charisma and motivation, their networks of support, their initiative in founding and directing communities, in emigrating to American, but also about their later marginalisation when the creative fervour of the early founding years was eventually succeeded by progressive institutionalisation and return to conformity.” – Ursula King

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Foreword by J. Gwynfor Jones
Preface by Ben Pink Dandelion
1. Introduction and Scene-Setting
2. Holy Tremblers: Quaker prophet-preachers
3. Like Apostles and Prophets of Old: Quaker women and their early Christian foremothers
4. Women and the Coming of Quakerism to Wales, 1653-1660
5. William Erbery and his Daughter Dorcas: dissenter and resurrected radical
6. The Women around James Nayler, Quaker: a matter of emphasis
7. “Sufferings” and the Prophet Emigrants of Wales, 1660-1700
8. A Runlett of Socketts and the Mastiff that Wasn’t Hanged
9. Anne Camm and the Vanishing Quaker Prophets