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Reform, Organizational Players and Technological Developments in African Telecommunications - An Update

This study provides up to date information in the field of African telecommunications policy and access. It includes information on a broad range of topics, including the growth of wireless telephones, documentation of bilateral and multilateral participation in African telecommunications development, organizations that run the gamut from broadcasting to new media, policy structures, country case studies, and more. Continent-wide information is provided along with specific, in-depth analyses of Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa


“…written for both the expert and the uninitiated. The book explores the historical and contextual development of communications on the continent. It discusses a wide range f communications technology and focuses on a variety of policy issues as well as stakeholders that impact upon the telecommunications and related IT industries in Africa. The core focus is on how the ongoing digital revolution has been manifested in the region….This book fills a gaping void….a noble academic contribution. Generations of academics and practitioners in this filed will thank him for this, and indeed he has secured his place in the annals of African telecommunications history.” – Raymond Akwule, PhD, Director, Center for Media Research and telecommunications, George Mason University

“…an interesting read and a unique contribution to scholarly discourse in the field with the potential to impact telecommunications policy on the African continent. I am particularly impressed how the author weaves in the historical and contextual development of communications on the continent with original concepts or new perspectives that add to the general body of knowledge in the discipline of communication. IN my view, this book is the premier millennium analysis and update of telecommunications on the African continent. It is a must-read for scholars in the field, as well as telecommunications policy makers on the continent.” – Dr. Andy O. Alali, California State University, Bakersfield, editor of The Journal of African Communications

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Foreword; Introduction
1. State of the Industry: meeting needs, structured models, and major players
2. Telecommunications Policy and National Development
3. Telecommunications and the Policy of Monopolization
4. Effects of Telecommunications Market Liberalization
5. Continent-Wide Telecommunications Organizations
6. International Agencies, Organizations, and African Telecommunications
7. Telecommunications in Ethiopia
8. Nigeria’s Policy and Market Environment
9. South Africa: The Past and the Present
10. Key Telecommunications Issues and Policy Problems
11. Recent Telecommunications Development and the Future
Bibliography; Index