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Ciencia FiccÍon En EspaÑol Una Mitología Moderna Ante El Cambio

This study examines science fiction written originally in Spanish. It reviews the general state of the genre in the Hispanic world and then concentrates on analyzing key novels and short stories from Argentina, Cuba, Mexico and Spain. Authors examined include Carlos Saiz Cidoncha, Ángel Torres Quesada, Rafael Marín Trechera, Tomás Salvador, Magdalena Mouján Otaño, Angélica Gorodischer, Alejandro Vignatti, Daína Chaviano, Miguel Mihura, Alberto Vanasco, Eduardo Goligorsky, Domingo Santos, Rosa Montero, Elia Barceló, Gabriel Bermúdez Castillo, Pablo Capanna, Carlos María Carón. In Spanish.


"Despite growing editorial and academic acceptance of science fiction as a literary genre, it still lags far behind generic cousins such as fantasy. It is in this context that Professor Molina-Gavilan's Ciencia ficcion en espaflol: una mitologia ante el cambio (Science Fiction in Spanish: A Mythology in the Face of Change; all translations mine) must be considered. As Molina- Gavilan points out, this chauvinism is particularly acute in the case of Span- ish-language SF, where critics must not only justify their choice of subject matter as "serious" literature, but counter a cultural prejudice in favor of the more established Anglo-American and Russian SF traditions, a bias based on the notion that none but the most technologically advanced nations produce worthy SF literature. In this study, Molina-Gavilan analyzes a selection of novels and short fiction from both Spain and Latin America to address three problematic questions. Does Spanish-language SF imitate the classic models of its Anglo-American and Russian counterparts, and if so, to what extent? Is it possible to speak of a properly Hispanic SF with common characteristics that would include both Latin American and Spanish production? Or, should one only speak of national "schools" of SF? ... Professor Molina-Gavilan's study demonstrates an admirable knowledge of Anglo-American, French, and Hispanic literary theory in general and of science fiction in partic- ular and is noteworthy for its judicious application of these sources. It is much to the study's credit that it makes use of both peninsular and Latin American primary texts to support its thesis, although with a decided numeric prefer- ence being given to the former (11 authors from Spain), and to Argentine (6), Cuban (2) and Mexican (1) authors within the latter category. The author jus- tifies this as being a result of the larger number of publications and greater institutionalization of SF in those markets. Another noteworthy merit is the inclusion of lesser-known authors such as Rafael Martin Trechera, Carlos Maria Caron, and Gabriel Bermudez Castillo alongside such renowned names as Angelica Gorodischer, Daina Chaviano, and Rosa Montero. The author also displays an admirable familiarity with SF literatures from many nations. The study is well written, thoughtful, and provocative. Both the list of works cited and the select bibliography are as complete as is appropriate given the scope of the study ... a thoroughly researched work." - Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts

“The book’s main success consists in presenting the study of sf to the Spanish-speaking world….it is a good introductory volume.” – Science Fiction Studies

“What Yolanda Molina Gavilán has done by producing the first comprehensive cultural, literary and linguistic analysis of modern Spanish-language science fiction is nothing short of marvelous. . . . acknowledges and explores the influence Anglo-Saxon science fiction has had on writers in Spain and Latin America while identifying that which is distinct about the genre’s evolution, expression and reception in the Spanish-speaking world. The author applies analytical theories from some of the most important genre, semiotics, and popular culture critics in her rigorous examination of selected texts, elucidating attitudes toward politics, gender, myth, and the creation of national identity. Molina Gavilán’s writing style is refreshingly clear and engaged, and the bibliography is indispensable, especially for the information it provides on primary and secondary works written in Spanish.” – Andrea Bell