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Citations and Allusions to Jewish Scripture in Early Christian and Jewish Writings Through 180 C. E.

This comprehensive research tool provides a time-saving, complete access to multiple examples of exegesis of Old Testament texts which were of greatest interest to New Testament authors. Jewish pseudepigrapha, Jewish hellenistic writings, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo, Josephus, Apostolic Fathers, Justin Martyr, and many other early Christian writers are included. This index collects side by side those instances in which Old Testament citations and allusions occurring in the New Testament are also quoted or alluded to in other Jewish and Christian literature up to 180 C.E.. An invaluable aid to scholars interested in the origins of Christianity, comparative religion, the history of exegesis, and the history of textual transmission.


". . . an important resource for thinking about the development of biblical traditions and the context in which the NT writings arose. . . . McLean has produced a handy guide to the early exegesis of the Scriptures of synagogue and church. . . . effectively opens out the world of early biblical interpretation." - Consensus: A Canadian Lutheran Journal of Theology

"This is a work of diligence which will be found most useful for certain sorts of study. . . . the data are here for researchers to decide for themselves." - L.L. Grabbe, Apocrypha and Post-Biblical Studies