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Creating Collaborative Leadership and Shared Governance at a California Community College: A Case Study

Examines how the California Community College System has adjusted to the shared governance mandate under a California law AB 1725. This law requires the consultation and involvement of the five interest groups within each community college.


“For any current or aspiring leader looking to enter community college leadership, this book is a must read. . . . While governance reform has not come easily, or without paying a price, Escover’s study tells a success story. His study explores and reports on the understanding, meaning, enactments and results of policies created through a successful shared governance process at a community college. Dr. Escover’s work offers contrary findings in his study. This timely piece of work suggests that shared governance can be successful when the trustees, administration, faculty, staff and students are all committed to this process.” - Prof. Patricia Turner Mitchell, University of San Francisco

“. . . a wonderful experience in the power of storytelling and the power of promoting community through discourse and teamwork. It is a must read for those seeking additional information from the insider’s perspective of shared governance supported by real life experiences and empirical data in contributing to its success.” – Prof. Melvinia King, Morehouse College

“. . . sheds light on important components of the way shared governance is understood and implemented in a college. . . . adds vital, missing pieces to our understanding of the relationship between leadership and shared governance in a community college environment.” – Prof. William E. Piland, San Diego State University

“. . . an excellent case study for those in education.” – Prof. Rosemary Brogan, Cabrillo College

Table of Contents

1. The Challenge of Organizational Leadership in the California Community College System
2. The Institutional Development of the California Community Colleges and their leadership models
3. Gavilan College and Case Study Methodology
4. Material Findings
5. Gavilan College Study Conclusions