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Detailed and Annotated Collection of John Wesley's Book Reviews, Readings, and Commentaries: Three Volume Set Edited, with Notes, Background and Commentary by Samuel J. Rogal

In the 18th century it was the practice of many great thinkers to record their reactions to the literature books and articles that they read.These three volumes contain John Wesley’s reactions, criticisms and commentaries about the things that he read. His reactions and commentaries have never before been published and they constitute an immediate experience in the way that his mind worked. The vast majority of the manuscripts and original texts edited and published in this book are located at the Duke University Library. Part I - Part II - Part III Sold as set only.


1. Prefatory Note
2. Introduction
a. Parental Training, Exchange, and Influence
b. John Wesley As “Reviewer”
c. The Question of Audience
3. Books “Reviewed”
a. At Oxford
b. Journey to, Residence in, and Return from Georgia and the Carolina Settlements.
c. The Pre-Methodist Period (Including Journeys to Herrnhut and Holland)
d. On the Methodist Itinerancy (Including Second and Third Journeys to Holland): 1742-1749
e. On the Methodist Itinerancy: 1750-1760
Books Reviewed (Continued):
f. On the Methodist Itinerancy: 1761-1775
g. On the Methodist Itinerancy: 1776-1784
h. On the Methodist Itinerancy: 1785-1788
Book Reviewed (Continued):
i. On the Methodist Itinerancy: 1789-1791
4. Writers and Works Prescribed for or Recommended to Others
5. Afterword
6. A Listing of Works Mentioned, Read (Whole or in Part), and Discussed or Reviewed by John Wesley
7. Primary and Secondary Works Cited and Consulted
8. Index to Scriptures
9. General Index