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The Greatest Virtues are Peace, Unity, and Forgiveness: The Alternatives are Jihad, Revenge, and War (Softcover)

Conflict has always been an integral part of human condition. Any attempt to completely eradicate conflict between people sounds like a utopia. Paradoxically, the pursue of a world of peace and harmony has always been an ideal. This book offers a solution to the fundamental question of the unending conflict between people. Addressing conflict at its roots, through a self-transformative approach could be more effective in making the world a better place. There is no unity in resentment, no forgiveness in revenge and no peace in War. In this contemporary complex and diverse world, a collective responsibility is required to engrave in human consciousness the greatest values of Unity, Forgiveness and Peace.


"My main purpose is to tell my truth without being necessarily categorized and labeled as belonging to one group over the other. We all experience and all need peace in our everyday relationships to heal the divides. This message is also needed by couples, who sometimes intentionally, or unintentionally, hurt one another. Forgiving those who hurt us is a common experience on all levels, from the individual to the group to the culture and beyond. It is the journey to peace through personal transformation."
From the Introduction

"This is an important in that commends the highest need with immediacy of personal work and direct interior knowledge of the path commended by the author, healing, rising above scars of trauma, transcending parochialism and the call to hatred and despair. The author complements this invaluable gift to readers with a clear and penetrating account of an equally intimate and direct context, an ethnic riven native land."
Dr. Frank Kaufmann,
Editor-in-Chief, New World Encyclopedia

Table of Contents




Chapter 1: How Change Conflicts Us

Chapter 2: Sustainable Peace and Development

Chapter 3: Fundamental and Existential Questions

Chapter 4: A Historical Overview of Conflict and War

Chapter 5: The Root Cause of Conflict

Chapter 6: Can We Justify the Use of Force or Violence?

Chapter 7: The Power of Listening


