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Edited, with an Introduction by Jerry Nolan

The Tulira Trilogy was the creation of the dreaming landlord of Tulira Castle, County Galway – Edward Martyn. It explores the Irish national dream in a tragic mode which no other Irish dramatist of the period attempted. After a century of neglect, the plays are examined afresh in this new edition with a scholarly introduction which proposes a fundamental revaluation of Edward Martyn as an Irish symbolist dramatist.


“Jerry Nolan is to be congratulated, along with the Edwin Mellen Press, for making these plays available…..For those committed to a wider understanding of Irish Theatre, and to staging the plays, The Tulira Trilogy is indispensable.” – Mary C. King, Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies, National College of Ireland

“A new book on Edward Martyn is long overdue, and can only help to assert Martyn’s pivotal role in a wide cultural arena, which is still overlooked…. Nolan’s considerable research into that role should now be given the wide scholarly attention it deserves.” – Dr. Nicola Gordon Bowe, Lecturer in the National College oaf Art & Design, Dublin

“The great virtue of Jerry Nolan’s work on Edward Martyn is that it rescues Martyn from his usual role as a bit player in the Irish Literary Renaissance and allows him to appear as the dedicated multi-faceted character he was, one whose cultural work for Ireland has hitherto not received the credit it is due. Nolan’s book is a fine piece f scholarship, informed by great enthusiasm for its subject.” – Terence Brown, Professor of Anglo-Irish Literature, Trinity College, Dublin

“I am very glad that Jerry Nolan’s research work on Edward Martyn is going to see the light of day. I think that the more material that gets published the better, and Jerry Nolan’s claims to authority in the field cannot be challenged.” – R. F. Foster, FBA, Carroll Professor of Irish History, Hertford College, Oxford

“…Nolan has shed a strong light on one of the moving spirits in several of the leading cultural developments of his time. The real vagaries of Martyn’s personality and his unique way of combining nation and religion while holding to the highest standards of European culture make him in some respects an apt model for Irish generations nearer our own time. Odd, brilliant, versatile and obsessed, Martyn’s life and works is one of the most interesting subjects of the period.” – Dr. Bruce Stewart, Literary Advisor to the Princess Grace Library, Monaco

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Introduction and Bibliography
The Heather Field
An Enchanted Sea