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Catholic Feminism and the Social Question in Chile, 1910-1917



“... an important text that makes significant contributions to the study of Latin American, Chilean, and Women’s history. It brings to light the thoughts and practices of the Liga de Damas Chilenas, an aristocratic Chilean Catholic women’s organization. ... These women helped to shape their nation’s discourse and practices on gender, women’s social activism, democracy, politics, citizenship, nationalism, and religion….This book eloquently, convincingly, and with a wealth of examples drawn from a variety of sources, details the multiple activities these women engaged in to achieve their goals. ... one of the most important contributions this book makes is its lucid and illuminating discussion of these elite Catholic women’s ideology. ... For any scholar interested in understanding the historical role of conservative Chilean woman and female-dominated social movements, this book is essential reading.” – Margaret Power, Assistant Professor of History at the Illinois Institute of Technology

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Preface; Introduction
1. The Liga de Damas Chilenas and the Moralization of the Señoras and Señoritas of la Sociedad
2. “So That the Worker may Have all that is due to him in his Double Dignity as a Man and a Christian”: the Social Question and its Resolution
3. Christian Woman’s Most Noble of Missions in Modern Society: Upper-class Catholic Women’s Social Action
4. The Damas and Their Little Sisters, the Obreritas
5. Mistresses, Maids, and Fallen Women
6. Catholic or “True” Feminism
Bibliography; Index