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Families - The Key to a Prosperous and Compassionate Society for the 21st Century

A cross-disciplinary social policy book, whose central theme is that a successful nation for the 21st century requires highly motivated, moral, and educated citizens. The authors link most of the problems of the urban ghetto, crime, welfare, drug abuse, and falling education standards to the weakening of the family. The second section of the book describes how personality and character are influenced by the family. The final third presents solutions. These integrate cross-disciplining perspectives to yield unique solutions based on strengthening the private as opposed to the public governmental segment of society.


"This is a bold and important book. . . . . exposes the failed attempts of governments to substitute for the family, as the provider of security and care. The volume ably mobilizes the accumulating new social science evidence showing that marriage is the most effective ‘public policy' in alleviating poverty and other social ills, and in insuring the healthy growth and development of children. . . . They present a powerful case for rebuilding a family-supportive public policy, one that recognizes and supports functional families and autonomous homes. Their analysis and agenda deserve thoughtful attention by scholars, policymakers, and the concerned public-at-large." – Dr. Allan Carlson, President, The Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society