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Strategies for Developing Personalized Programs for Individuals with Disabilities

This text was written to provide educators and communities serving children with disabilities in the private and public sectors a guide to develop, implement, evaluate, and revise individualized education programs (IEPs). It provides strategies and guidelines to assist individuals to develop IEPs which will comply with federal and state laws. It will also serve as a guide for support personnel such as school psychologists, counselors, regular educators, physical and occupational therapists, speech therapists, and other specialists in conducting and implementing duties and responsibilities associated with IEPs.

Table of Contents

Table of contents (main headings):
1. Trends and Issues in Educating Children with Disabilities (Overview; Classifying and Defining Exceptionalities; Characteristics of Children with Disabilities)
2. Application of Legal and Ethical Standards in Assessing Children with Disabilities
3. Challenges to the State: Meeting the Federal Mandates to Educate Children with Disabilities
4. Assessment of Children with Disabilities (Test, Teams, Tools)
5. Individualized Education Requirements
6. Individual Education Development
7. The Individualized Education Program Process
8. Parental Involvement in Writing Individual Education Plans
9. Transition and Related Services
10. Instructional Delivery Methods
11. Assistive Learning
Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography; Index