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Greek and Roman Themes in Joyce

This volume begins with a brief analysis of the meaning of the Classical Tradition; deals with how Joyce acquired knowledge of Greek and Roman material; and then devotes chapters to analysing Joyce's appropriation of Greek philosophy, of the Odyssey of Homer, and of Greek and Latin language.

"Brian Arkins' book is one that leaves every scholar in his debt. He brings in much more than Homer that is relevant from the Greek and his discussion of Joyce's use of the Latin Mass allows for a serious, many-sided discussion of this much misunderstood topic. And the author never loses sight of his audience, adopting a lucid, frequently witty and always accessible style to convey his learned insights." – Dr. Anthony Roche


"His study is full of interest, strong on content and full of surprises. It is unusual to find the importance of Aristotle attested for Joyce. It is exciting to see the Joycean parallelisms between the Odyssey and Ulysses examined as a thorough instance of intertextuality. . . .The extension of these well-informed explanations of Joyce's sources to Latin literature is especially welcome. . . can guide the reader through Joyce's thematic word-play. One part of Arkins' method is simply linguistic. He translates for the reader the meanings, or the etymologies, of the words with which Joyce weaves his text. Given the common loss of classical and ecclesiastical knowledge, especially of a linguistic kind, between the period when Joyce wrote and today when undergraduates and graduates alike struggle with Joyce's texts, Arkins offers a useful vade mecum." – Prof. Kevin Barry

"Arkins comes into his own in the last chapter which reveals some of the lucid and word-delighting powers that he clearly admires in the Master. All too easily this chapter could have devolved into a dry, if scholarly disquisition on Greek roots and Latin combinations. As written it is a delight to read. It epitomises all the best qualities of this study: great scholarship lightly borne, a witty intelligence, a refusal to be in any way intimidated by the Joyce industry." – Patrick F. Sheeran

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

Foreword, Introduction

1.Joyce's Knowledge of Classics

2.Philosophy: The Impact of Solider Aristotle

3.The Classic Case of Intertextuality – Ulysses and the Odyssey

4.Language: the Role of Greek and Latin

Notes, Bibliography, Index