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Gunsmith's Trade

A history of gunsmithing in America. Although the English guild system regulated the trade in the Mother Country, Americans, as usual, preferred freedom to regulation. This book examines the gunsmithing trade in relation to the militia; apprenticeships; labor; tools and equipment; the Frontier gunsmith; and traitors, criminals, and deserters.


"There are very few articles and even fewer books which deal with gunsmithing as a trade. The way a gunmaker or gunsmith obtained his training, how he operated after he was skilled, how he took on an apprentice, or how he did business, has simply not been reported in depth. This new title by James Whisker will go a long way to remedy that situation and be a real time saver for the gun historian. . . . The Gunsmith's Trade will by welcomed by historians for it will save countless hours of research, work that has been done by one of the major researchers in the arms history field." - Arms Collecting

"Starting with the table of contents, this volume provides the reader and researcher with an investigative tool that they would be hard pressed to locate in any other source. The over 700 end notes constitutes an entire additional reference library on gunmaking and related subjects. . . . The more than two dozen pages of biographical information is very easy to read and use. This excellent section pulls together massive historical data on gunsmithing via book name, courthouse documents, newspaper articles, census records, identure books and advertisements of the period." - Black Powder Times