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War, Terrorism, Genocide, and the Quest for Peace - Contemporary Problems in Political Ethics

This collection brings together a number of papers that throw light on and engage timely and important ethical issues facing humanity in the 21st century: war, revolution, political assassination, terrorism and counter-terrorism, humanitarian military intervention, nuclear deterrence and the Missile Defense Shield; genocide, and the quest for peace. In addition to the ethical issues considered, the study also critically examines pertinent international legal aspects of these issues


“I cannot imagine a more timely publication than [this book]. The essays collected in this volume discuss moral and political issues facing every public official and private citizen in our world today. These include deciding how individuals and nations ought to deal with terrorism, preemptive war, political assassination and international intervention to prevent crimes against humanity. These are not normatively neutral conceptual analyses; they passionately argue a coherent moral and political perspective. Professor Khatchadourian’s theses and his arguments for them, usually grounded on human rights, are controversial. Far from diminishing the value of these essays, this constitutes their primary importance. They force any intelligent reader to question the political and moral slogans too often, and too dangerously, taken for granted by far too many of us today.” – Carl Wellman, Lewin Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Washington University in St. Louis

“The essays contained in the present volume constitute a good sample of the practical problems to which he has recently been devoting his attention. They manifest not only his acute analytical ability and extensive and detailed knowledge of political developments throughout the world during the past several decades but also his reasonableness and humaneness, which shine forth on almost every page of the essays that follow” – Ramon M. Lemos, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Miami

"Throw[s] light on and engage[s] in timely and important ethical issues facing humanity in the 21st century." - A. Molineux

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Ramon M. Lemos
Author’s Preface
1. Self-Defense and the Just War
2. Just Revolution
3. Humanitarian Military Intervention: Justice – or “Peace”?
4. The Ethics of “Preventive” and Preemptive” Strikes: “Preemptive War or Self-Defense”
5. Preventing Omnicide: Nuclear Deterrence, SDI, and the Missile Defense Shield
6. Terrorism and Morality
7. Is Political Assassination Ever Morally Justified?
8. Counter-terrorism: Assassination and Torture
9. Genocide and the Random Murder of Innocents
10. Immuanel Kant’s Perpetual Peace in the Nuclear Age
Bibliography; Index