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Text as Picture Studies in the Literary Transformation of Pictures

This work is arranged in two sections. The first presents the international debate concerning the theoretical prerequisites for the study of the relation of literary text to pictorial art. The second explicates the author's concept of "iconic projection", which is the human disposition to perceive reality as if it were a picture. Iconic projection as an aspect of literary pictorialism has not been discussed theoretically or historically in international scholarly works before, which makes this work of great interest to scholars within the fields of comparative arts and comparative literature. Originally published in Swedish, this book was awarded a research prize by the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and Letters.


"With his combination of international perspectives, theoretical innovations, and a sensitive textual interpretation Lund is an advanced scholar. He also knows how to concentrate the discourse elegantly. He has proved himself genuinely cross-disciplinary when treating the sciences of literature and art." - Ulla-Britta Lagerroth

". . . Hans Lund's book is an example of the fact that solid scholarly works in the humanities treat topics of central importance not only to other scholars, but to every reader, indeed, to every human being. Hans Lund's book draws our attention to a literary phenomenon which we have hardly observed before and so helps in making our literary perception richer." - SØren KjØrup