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Gender, Ethnicity and Class in Modern Portuguese Speaking Culture

These readings of modern Portuguese, Brazilian, and Portuguese African texts articulate a challenge by drawing on different theories of how gender, ethnicity and class relate to the production and reception of culture. Consequently, the collection juxtaposes and connects new readings of well-known literary figures such as Ariano Suassuna, Agustina Bessa Luís, Hélia Correia, Henrique Teixeira de Sousa and Clarice Lispector with readings of "popular culture" as represented by samba, circo-teatro, images of women in advertising and oral narratives from the southeast of Brazil. The diversity of the critical approaches adopted demonstrates both the potential for new "coalitional" connections and the demands imposed by deconstructing the Lusist canon.


". . . this boldly designed, multidimensional collection ultimately not only does justice to the editor's deconstructive goal to overcome 'hierarchical distinctions between high art and popular culture, and correspondingly between literary criticism, cultural studies and social anthropology', but also to her, and the contributors' constructive desire to 'form new constellations' and forge new links of critical affinity, ideological solidarity and cultural commonality in the diversity of the contemporary Portuguese-speaking world." - International Journal of Iberian Studies