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Hubert Fichte

This bibliography aims to document all printings and broadcasts of primary texts by Hubert Fichte. These are listed in strict chronological order, with reprints taking their place in the sequence so as to demonstrate the continuing presence of Hubert Fichte on the German literary scene. This work will contribute overall to a new understanding of the work of Hubert Fichte and its importance. The text is in German.


“It takes no gift of prophecy to predict that this bibliography will very quickly become a standard instrument in research on Hubert Fichte. At the same time, the care and thoughtfulness evinced make of this work an exemplary bibliographical benchmark.” – Dr. Holger Helbig, Interdisciplinary Centre, Literature and Culture of the Present, Friederich Alexander University

“The carefulness, precision and dependability of this bibliography by Robert Gillett render all previous works in the genre redundant. Only this present bibliography deserves the term and it is to this work that people will turn when, their curiosity aroused, they wish to get to know Hubert Fichte’s work in all its multifarious ramifications.” – Dr. Peter Braun, Reader in Modern German Literature, University of Constance