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Early Modern Warrington 1520-1847. A Definitive History

This volume is a pioneering work which tries to bridge the gap between a decaying feudalism and the advent of a modern, democratic and free-enterprise culture, giving due account to social, political and cultural phenomena. It sets the town in its regional context, assessing the pull of Manchester and Liverpool, of Lancashire to the north and Cheshire to the south.


"Dr. Sellers tells his story with a wealth of detail and some fascinating portraits of local individuals and families, and so provides much to test more generalized interpretations and theories of urban growth . . . . Warrington is certainly a telling example of what must have the fate of a great many market towns which failed to develop as regional centres. It is to be hoped that this study will encourage others to explore and test the models of urban development so far offered for this period." Henry D. Rack

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. A Community in Crisis: Tudor Warrington, 1522-1600: Faith; Disorder; Missed Opportunities
2. Early Stuart Warrington, 1600-60: Urban Growth and its Effects; The Background to Civil Strife; Interregnum, 1640-60
3. Marking Time? 1660-1760: Whigs, Dissenters, Tories and Jacobites; Industry and Institutions; Culture
4. A Cultural Interlude, 1760-1820: Of Books and Learning; Tradition and Change; The Local Economy - Revolution or Evolution?; New Forces
5. Forward to Incorporation: A Town of Many Industries; Population and its Problems; Culture in a Utilitarian Age; Political Progress
Conclusion: The General Election of 1847
Appendices, Bibliographical Note; Notes and References, Indexes, Maps