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Introduction to Intertextuality

This book contains a few examples of the way midrash is discovered and recognized in the Hebrew Scripture and in the New Testament. The examples given illustrate the significance of insights gained from this kind of study and the philosophy that prompted ancient prophets, Psalmists, wisdom writers, and authors of New Testament gospels, letters, essays, and sermons to compose literature in the way they did.


"This little book is a good introduction to the beginnings of the canonical process. . . . It's a good read. Maybe biblical scholarship will take more notice of the lodes of intertextual treasures Scripture affords." -- Dr. James Sanders

"Buchanan's parallel layouts of corresponding texts are suggestive and thought-provoking. They invite fuller exploration of this type of intertextuality, leading to new understandings how scriptures become Scripture, both in the first and second testaments." - Dr. Wolfgang Roth