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It Sees Like Night



". . . a collection of delightful poetry that shows that Dr. Scheideman has 'realized life while he has lived it.' . . . . Robert Frost said, 'Poetry is taking life by the throat.' This is what Dr. Scheideman does when writing so honestly about topics so diverse as the nativity, growing up, seasons, and the weather. This book deeply moved me." - Dan Decker

"This is fascinating reading, a marvelous little book of poems that draws you in, and holds you. . . . Scheideman is at once charming, insightful, disturbing and challenging. These poems reflect a wide range of mood and subject matter. They awaken the reader to the struggle, the anguish and the beauty of the human experience and the divine encounter. It Sees Like Night speaks, and it is worth the listen." -- James Chancellor in Review and Expositor