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The Great Replacement Theory: The Origin and Proliferations of a Political Idea (hardcover edition)

"There are two key terms applicable in all areas in which the "Great Replacement Theory" is espoused: replacement and loss of power. ... Most of the Great Replacement theories are prospective in nature, warning of dire consequences which will follow if the involved nation does not alter its current policies. This applies specifically to immigration, with very few other applications or areas of concern or alarm." -James B. Whisker and John R. Coe

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Great Replacement Theory: Definition
Chapter 2: The Fall of the Roman Empire
Chapter 3: Gobineau and Scientific Racism
Chapter 4: The Great Replacement Theory
Chapter 5: The Intellectual Heritage
Chapter 6: Replacement Theory in the United States
Chapter 7: Madison Grant
Chapter 8: Eugenics Research Office
Chapter 9: Exportation of Replacement Theory
Chapter 10: New American Replacement Theories