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Research Bibliography in Christian Ethics and Catholic Moral Theology

This book provides a fairly extensive overview of this discipline from both an ecumenical and multi-cultural perspective. This chosen perspective amplifies the potential range of sources to be included, and the primary hermeneutical key for the organization and selection of materials presents the gathered materials in such a way that they can meet the needs of both the serious scholar as well as the non-expert with a curiosity to explore a given issue, author, or theme. No bibliography of this dimension currently exists.


“Moral theology knows very few studies that demonstrate its development and its diversity. This work helps us to appreciate how much has transpired to shape the complex world of Catholic moral theology in particular and Christian ethics generally since the Second Vatican Council ... The entries in this bibliography are the attempt of many theologians to be obedient to the call of the Council to extend the insights of the Christian tradition into all facets of human life and to let human experience, in all its diversity, inform and expand the tradition of reflecting on the demands of Christian living in a morally complex world.” – (from the Foreword) Professor Richard M. Gula, Franciscan School of Theology, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley

“Until recently, investigations into Catholic moral theology were almost exclusively found in Europe. Today they flourish at universities and seminaries on all six continents. Now, in order to appreciate the universality of these studies, one needs to read not only German, Italian and French journals, but American, Australian, African, and Asian ones as well. Responding to that compelling task, Rev. James Bretzke, the versatile ethicist who has taught in Manila, Rome, Seoul, and San Francisco, provides a panoramic bibliography that allows us to explore the newly extended and extraordinarily diverse terrain of moral theology ... In a world where we forever must link the local and the global, Rev. Bretzke’s extraordinarily encyclopedic work serves as a new atlas for the contemporary student of moral theology.” – Professor James F. Keenan, S.J., S.T.D., Boston College

“Rev. Bretzke masterfully situates the questions and the literature in Roman Catholic moral theology in a book that is comprehensive in scope, ecumenical in breadth, and global in range. The book reflects its author’s international experience in the classroom and rich experience in the parish. This is required reading for any serious student of moral theology, but also an indispensable reference for moral theologians themselves.” – Professor Martha Ellen Stortz, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary

Table of Contents

Foreword by Richard Gula
Church Authority and Tradition in Christian
Ethics and Moral Theology
The Common Good and Moral Community
Comparative and Cross-Cultural Ethics
Conscience and Moral Psychology
Dealing with Evil to Achieve Good
Discernment in Moral Living and Decision-Making
Distinctiveness (Proprium) of Christian Ethics
Ecumenical Ethics: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox
Feminist Ethics
Fundamental Christian Ethics and Moral Theology
General and/or Miscellaneous Christian Ethics
Globalization and Ethics
History of Christian Ethics
Inculturation and Christian Ethics
Liberation Theology and Christian Ethics
Moral Autonomy of the Human Person
Moral Norms
Narrative and Christian Ethics
Natural Law
Psychology, Heart, Emotions, and Moral Development
Religion & Morality, Worship, Prayer, Sacraments & Ethics
Sin, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation
Virtue, Vision, and Character
Research Aids, Dictionaries, and Bibliographies on Christian Ethics