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Critical Edition of Peter of Eboli's De Balneis Terre Laboris: (Two Volumes)

This two-book set delineates the history of Traditions about the antiquities of the Phlegraean Fields northwest of Naples through a combination of textual, historical, art historical, and cultural investigations. It is, therefore, an attempt to view these important antiquities and the traditions concerning them from a comprehensive and synthetic view to provide one example of the influence of the classical world on later ages. The study ranges from antiquity itself to the present, but its major focus will be on the Middle Ages through the seventeenth century.


“For the first time in the critical study of Peter of Eboli’s opus, Professor Thomas establishes the text of his poem on balneotherapy based upon the diligent study of every surviving known manuscript. Several of these she has brought to light herself in recent years. This means that we now have a text that considers every one of the twenty-eight known manuscript variants, and maps the complex relationships between them…She presents us with a text that scholars and translators can use as the foundation for a reliable analysis of this splendid poem’s many fascinating topoi. Through her carefully layered analyses, we begin to understand more fully the interests and textual influences of reigning patron families in the Neapolitan area, including Hohenstaufen, Angevin, and Aragonese rules, and those scribes and scholars orbiting within their literary circles.
-Professor Florence Eliza Glaze,
Carolina Costal University

Table of Contents

Volume I

Preface by Florence Eliza Glaze (Associate Professor, Carolina Coastal University)
Editor's Preface
Sigla of Manuscripts
Latin Abbreviations
Chapter I: The Manuscript Tradition of De Balneis
Section I. The Textual and Visual Tradition
An Overview
Table I
Table II
Section II. The Textual Tradition: The Archetype ? and the Hyparchetype ?
Section III. The Hyparchetype A
The ? Recension (A2A2LJFZ1Z2Q)
Section IV. The Hyparchetype B
The ? Recension (CX1X2YRMEND)
Section V. The ? Recension and Other Late Copies
Section VI. The ? Recension Manuscripts of Trattato dei Bagni
Including Balneum Succellarium
Section VII. The Visual Tradition
Chapter II. The Editions
Early Editions
Modern Editions and Translations
Chapter III. The Order of Epigrams
Order of Hyparchetype A
Order of L
Order of ? Recension Hyparchetype B
Order of TW
Conclusion: Order of ?
Order of NDH
Order of ?
Order of U1 and I
Order of P
Order of the Present Edition
Critical Text of Edition of De Balneis Terre Laboris
Selection of Readings
Junta Edition of De Balneis Terre Laboris
Ad Lectorem
Latin Prose Summaries
Index Verborum

Volume II

Catalogue of Manuscripts
Appendix: Authorship, Dating, and Dedication Miniature of De Balneis
Pre 1800
Post 1800
Index of Authors and Works Cited in Catalogue
Index of Manuscripts
General Index