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Schillers Rebellionskonzept Und Die FranzÖsische Revolution

This study details how Schiller’s first writings on aesthetics and moral philosophy comprise a moral philosophical and teleological system with which Schiller analyzed the moral dynamics of political rebellions. This concept stems from Schiller’s categorization of action dominated by either sensual drives or abstract reason and his use of these categories for the critical analysis of rebels and rebellion. These early categories reveal that Schiller’s distance from the French Revolution should have come as no surprise, on the contrary, in light of this highly articulated concept of rebellion, anything more than ambivalence would have marked a surprising change of direction.


“High has thoroughly researched Schiller’s work (including letters) and found no word to indicate that the author was a friend of the revolution. The findings are clear and leave no room for doubt: Schiller does not belong in the progression of German Revolution advocates (Klopstock, Wieland, Herder, Forster, Campe, Fichte, later Hölderlin, Hegel etc)….[this] is a good necessary book, that will reawaken Schiller scholarship some 200 years after the author’s death, and will certainly provide it with important new impulses.” – Prof. Dr. Norbert Oellers, Germanistisches Seminar der Universität Bonn

“Jeffrey L. High is one of the most important voices of the younger generation of American Schiller scholarship. His book disembarks from some of his earlier detailed research, enriches this with many new insights and research sources, and provides the results with a plausible theoretical frame….High rejects the interpretation of Schiller’s early thought as pro-revolutionary, and refutes once and for all the thesis of Schiller’s initial ‘revolutionary enthusiasm’ and with that also refutes the aforementioned disillusionment and flight process. High further establishes in detailed analysis that Schiller’s turn to aesthetic philosophy is a phenomenon independent of his later political experiences…..the book’s piece de resistance is the description of Schiller’s plan to write a memoir for Ludwig XVI and indeed to present the memoir publicly in Paris….High’s book is one of the most important modern contributions to Schiller’s political thought, that once and for all does away with a great number of falsehoods, and will in time define the future understanding of Schiller.” – Prof. Dr. Dieter Borchmeyer, Germanistisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg

Table of Contents

Abstract; Vorwort, Danksagung
Vorwort von Wilfried Malsch
Preface by Wilfried Malsch

1. Schillers moralphilosophisches Rebellionskonzept in den rebellionsbezogenen Werken seiner “revolutionären” Jugendperiode 1779-1789
2. Schillers Distanz zur Französischen Revolution in seinen persönlichen Briefen 1789-1793
3. Die These der “Flucht” vor der Französischen Revolution und der Politik und Schillers revolutionsbezogene Publizistik nach 1793: Die Horen, Die Ästhetischen Briefe und die Xenien