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John Chrysostom - on Virginity: Against Remarriage

The first English translation of these treatises. Enhanced by Elizabeth Clark's superb introduction, which sets forth the context of the treatises and makes an extended comparison between John's teaching and that of Paul in 1 Corinthians.


"Thanks are due to Edwin Mellen Press for making available to us in English translation for the first time two of the praxis-oriented essays of Christian antiquity. . . . Shore's translation is clear and straightforward, remaining extremely faithful to the letter of the Greek text. . . . The translator has done a fine piece of work. . . . Elizabeth Clark's masterful introduction sets Chrysostom's work in the context of his ascetic development [and] her considerable footnoting provides a large and valuable Chrysostom bibliography." - Church History

"Especially helpful to a correct understanding of Chrysostom's work is Clark's stress on the classical pagan background to many of Chrysostom's ideas on marriage. Shore's translation is excellent, an accurate rendering of Chrysostom's rhetoric in a style that is still readable. An important work for college and seminary libraries." - Religious Studies Review