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Religion and Its Relevance in Post-Modernism. Essays in Honor of Jack C. Verheyden


Table of Contents

Table of contents:
Tributes to Jack C. Verheyden; Preface
On Religious Epistemology
1. Experience, Thought, and Language (John Cobb)
2. Divine Activity and Scientific Naturalism (David Griffin)
3. Beyond the Reach of Language: Assessing Religious Experience as a Guide to Living Well (Walter Gulick)
4. Theological Thinking the American Experience, and the Idea of the University (Joseph Hough)
5. Knowing God and Living Fully (Mary Elizabeth Moore)
6. Doctrine in Christian Life (Marjorie Suchocki)
7. Jack C. Verheyden: Glimpses of a Universe (Thandeka)
On Nineteenth Century Theology
8. A Phenomenology of Religiousness A (Avery Fouts)
9. Schelling and Tillich on God’s Relation to the World (Sam Powell)
10. Ethics, Creation and Life (Dan Rhoades)
11. Kierkegaard’s Dialectical Dance: Spheres of Existence (Helene Russel)
12. “No Superfluous Adornment”: Troeltsch and Weber on Religion and the Ethic of Responsibility (Brad Starr)
On Friedrich Schleiermacher
13. The Role of the Imagination in the Interpretation of Religious Experience According to the Works of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Ludwig Feuerbach
14. The Theological Significance of the Christian Church in Schleiermacher (Young Bok Kim)
15. Schleiermacher on Sacred and Profane Hermeneutic (David Klemm)
16. Jesus’ God-consciousness in Friedrich Schleiermacher (John S. Park)
17. Wie lasst sich eine Sprache finden, die geeignet ist, die Rechtfertigungslehre auch den Menschen unserer Zeit verstandlicher zu machen? (Herman Peiter)
Appreciative Response from Jack Verheyden: Schleiermacher’s Hermeneutics of the Historical Jesus