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Luigi Pirandello the Theatre of Paradox

The purpose of these essays is to enable readers to broaden an deepen their knowledge of Luigi Pirandello and his influence on the drama of the twentieth century. The essays have been grouped loosely under four headings: issues of theory, issues of genre, issues of gender, and issues of language and theatre.

Table of Contents

Contradictions & the Doubling of Ideas: Pirandello's Writings on Theatre & the Essay L'umorismo (Énna P. O Ceallacháin)
Building a Character: Pirandello & Stanislavsky (Mary Casey)
Pirandello's Fiction as Evidence of His Interest in Theatre & Cinema (John C. Barnes)
Pirandello's One-Act Plays (Julie Dashwood)
Henry's Lamp (Julie Dashwood)
Pirandello's Myth Plays (Fulvia Airoldi Namer)
Freedom & Fragmentation. The Excluded Woman (Felicity Firth & Julie Dashwood)
Changing Costume, Bontempelli and Wedekind (Ann Hallamore Caesar)
'Ora che tutto era finito . . ' Theme & Dialogue in Bellavita and Come tu mi vuoi (Anna Laura Lepschy)
Orchestrating the Incongruities: Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore (Corrado Donati)
A Tribute to the Magic of Theatre: Questa sera se recita a soggetto (Jennifer Lorch)